The number of complaints about NYC teachers spiked 60% in 2022 compared to 2021, according to the NY Post. Investigators found that 263 school employees broke the law or administrative rules, 40 of which involved inappropriate or sexual misconduct. Of those, only 17 cases were referred to prosecutors and just four went to court. This typically happens because alleged victims stop cooperating with police during the investigation or their parents do not allow police to interview them.
John Jay professor Dr. Elizabeth Jeglic surveyed 6,600 people for a study and found that ‘ 11.7% experienced some form of educator sexual misconduct between grades K-12, mostly inappropriate comments although a small percentage reported being physically abused.’ Jeglic says that children who report the incidents face more psychological effects, such as drug abuse and suicide, compared to those who don’t. She says that it could either be that the incidents cause these affects or the educators are choosing and taking advantage of kids who are already troubled.
According to helping survivors.org, the U.S. Department of Education estimates that one in 10 children experience some form of sexual misconduct by school employees.