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How To Prepare for Your Child’s Annual Review IEP Meeting: NYC edition 

Every year, parents of students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) dread the annual review process. Because of past experiences, these meetings become another disappointing event where parents and students feel unheard and their requests are denied. While the parents will never be able to make decisions on behalf of the district, we can and should…

Your child isn’t gifted, but they still deserve a “gifted” education

New York City public schools offer two types of Gifted & Talented education. Five accelerated programs in citywide schools teach the standard NY state curriculum a year in advance, while enriched programs in over 100 district schools allow teachers flexibility in adding original material to the standard state curriculum.  Pre-pandemic, when a test was required…

Free tuition for all medical students going forward

Here’s some good news for prospective med students: On Monday, the president and CEO of Montefiore, Einstein Philip Ozuah, announced that thanks to the largest gift ever made to any medical school in the country, no student at Einstein will have to pay tuition again. Ruth L. Gottesman, Ed.D., chair of the Einstein Board of Trustees and a Montefiore Health System board member,…

Charter school rent controversy

Two elected officials from the Bronx recently announced legislation that would help charter schools pay rent, according to the Bronx Times. State Senator Luis Sepúlveda and Assembly member John Zaccaro Jr. were at a rally in Albany celebrating 25 years of charter schools in New York City when they shared legislation that aims to amend…


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