Crossing the Line, 2021 | Oil paint on panel | 20 in x 16 in | Photo courtesy of the artist Anna Gregor.
This week we welcome painter Anna Gregor. Gregor prefers to show her paintings outside of a traditional gallery setting, often collaborating with peers to put on apartment art shows. Additionally, she has exhibited her paintings at Bromfield Gallery in Boston, Gallery 263 in Cambridge, Equity Gallery in Manhattan, Departure Gallery in Queens and MC Gallery in Manhattan. Her paintings have been featured by ArtConnect, London Paint Club, Vellum Magazine and the New York Poetry Society. She holds a BFA from Parsons School of Design.
Stitches, 2021 | Oil paint on panel | 20 in x 16 in | Photo courtesy of the artist Anna Gregor.
Gregor seeks to best to engage with and build alternative communities within the art world, outside of institutions that require sales and exhibition histories to participate.
“This concern with the individuals that make up artistic communities, in contrast to the institutions that strive to regulate them, intersects with my exploration of the the self and other that lies at the heart of my work: the potential distance, violence and harmony between body and mind, body and other body, mind and other mind.
Eromene, 2020 | Oil paint on paper | 24 in x 36 in | Photo courtesy of the artist Anna Gregor.
I explore the problem of moving through the world as an individual in relation to other individuals and institutions by creating quietly complex paintings that don’t stand still, where space shifts, categories blur, bodies meld and splinter. Playing with perspectival assimilation, I dissolve the boundaries within and between the bodies my paintings depict, asking the viewer to relinquish their perspective by seeing another’s view and thinking another’s thoughts, thereby destabilizing concepts of artist and viewer, body and mind, self and other.”
See more of Gregor’s work on her website.