This week we welcome Aiza Ahmed, a Pakistani artist who works primarily in painting, drawing and printmaking. Her practice revolves around her experience as a South Asian woman, her relationship […]
Epicenter-NYC is part of a community of Doers
Mayor Eric Adams this past Monday unveiled a new “We ❤️NYC” campaign, a clear riff on the 21st century “I ❤️NYC” version, which has people feeling … a certain way. […]
Smoquito Brooklyn creates a niche with infused beverages
Recreational marijuana use was legalized in New York State in 2021, decriminalizing the act of purchasing or consuming weed, allowing New Yorkers to light up freely in public. Officially, there […]
More than a fast: What Ramadan truly means
“Not even water?” Starting tomorrow, March 22, Muslims across the globe will celebrate Ramadan, the name of the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. Non-Muslims often associate Ramadan with fasting; […]
More problems and no solutions at Rikers
If you randomly drew from a hat the name of a New York City legislator or public official, at any level of government, and asked them whether the city should […]
High school admissions check in
So, we spoke with a few eighth grade parents to see what the high school admissions process was like for them.
So about that charter school cap….
Last week on the Epicenter Instagram account, we explained the controversy over lifting the charter school cap here in New York City. We asked you to weigh in and the feedback […]
Cora Jane Glasser
This week we welcome Cora Jane Glasser, a native New Yorker who lives in Manhattan and works from her studio in Brooklyn. Glasser received a bachelor’s degree at Queens College […]
A fair chance for housing
For many formerly incarcerated New Yorkers, secure housing is the best way to gain some stability once they return to society, but it’s also the hardest to obtain. Many landlords and property owners often turn away those with criminal backgrounds. The Fair Chance for Housing bill seeks to end this kind of discrimination and give former inmates a chance at obtaining housing.
Bronx Native changes the narrative of the Bronx
Bronx Native is a shop started by Amaurys Grullon to represent the pride of Bronx natives and change the troubling narrative outsiders have of the borough