You’re not alone. In fact, New Jersey has created a program, the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP), that helps residents avoid service disruption and stay up-to-date on their payments. Here’s what you need to know:
Teena Soni
This week we welcome Teena Soni, a New Jersey-based painter working at the intersection of traditional Indian-miniature style and contemporary aesthetics. She belongs to a traditional artistic family of Udaipur, […]
Teaching NYC teens they belong in the room
The Queens World Film Festival hosted Passion in Action on April 22, a day-long mentoring event bringing together high school and college students with professionals in arts, sciences, media, finance, […]
How to stay safe while riding your bike this summer
As the weather gets warmer, many New Yorkers will likely stop paying those surging Uber prices and take a break from crowded subways and instead opt to bike to their […]
Beatstro celebrates hip-hop in every way
The South has many themed restaurants that pay homage to the music that defines the region. In Nashville, Tennessee, there are numerous country music themed restaurants and bars. In New […]
Adams wants asylum seekers permitted to work ASAP, pushes Biden Administration
Yesterday, Mayor Eric Adams held a press conference in City Hall to call on the federal government to give the city additional funding to deal with asylum seeker arrivals, pointing […]
City Council wants mayor to increase funding for the arts
New York City’s annual budget must be approved by June, and the City Council is hoping that Mayor Eric Adams will approve a $79.9 million increase in funding for the […]
Complaints about teachers hit record high in 2022
The number of complaints about NYC teachers spiked 60% in 2022 compared to 2021, according to the NY Post. Investigators found that 263 school employees broke the law or administrative rules, 40 […]
Natalie Jauregui Ortiz
This week we welcome Natalie Jauregui Ortiz, a Mexican-American artist from the Bay Area, California, who now paints from her studio in East Williamsburg, New York City. Jauregui Ortiz paints […]
Bringing traditional Syrian music to New York’s Carnegie Hall
Samer Ali and Marissa Arciola are completely in sync. Ali’s violin dances deftly over Arciola’s sonorous double bass as they played traditional Syrian music. They stand at one end of […]